If you are interested, PM me on PwnEm or comment on this post.
Fried Pwnata's
"Whoever made this blog is an idiot" - Hoylez
"You fail at blogging, but thats why I read it." - Leanne
"GTFO" - My brother Jeremy
BBC World
Pwnata Shoutbox
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cry out for a new Author!
I am currently looking for another author to help me out a bit with this blog, the only requirement is that you can use the spell check function, and of course you have something to write about, whether it makes sense or not is up to you, this is Fried Pwnata's not the daily Life Of The Wounded blog.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Racist Words You Use Everyday (some say without knowing)
Have you ever worried that, no matter how hard you try, you'll just never be racist enough? Well, you're in luck. As it turns out, you've been unconsciously using racial slurs your entire life! Slurs like...

How it's Used:
"I was nearly killed on my drive home by a group of hooligans playing paintball on the interstate."
What You're Actually Saying:
"I was nearly killed on my drive home by a group of dirty Irish drunkards playing paintball on the interstate."


How it's Used:
"Some vandals tagged the wall behind the local high school."
What You're Actually Saying:
"A horde of dirty godless Germans tagged the wall behind the local high school."


How it's Used:
"I was nearly killed on my drive home by a group of hooligans playing paintball on the interstate."
What You're Actually Saying:
"I was nearly killed on my drive home by a group of dirty Irish drunkards playing paintball on the interstate."


How it's Used:
"Some vandals tagged the wall behind the local high school."
What You're Actually Saying:
"A horde of dirty godless Germans tagged the wall behind the local high school."

Hip hip Hoo-ray!
How it's Used:
"We won the little league game! Hip hip hooray!"
What You're Actually Saying:
"We won the little league game! Let's go kill some Jews!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Blog - Revision or Deletion!
I recently returned to the magical world of the Interwebs, but I had only returned to PwnEm, the forum I called home before I left the cyber world for over a year. I forgot all about my blog and after some frustrating password retrieval I have started reviewing and renewing my blog once again, although I am still deciding whether it is worth keeping the blog or getting rid of it, I'll give it some time, but I don't like having stuff that I find pointless, so if I see no point in this blog then sayonara, Pwnata!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I am turning 18 in a few hours!
I started writing this at about 9:18, but I sat around not typing for 2 minutes so it's 9:20 now, anyway... I turn 18 soon... at 12, ha... and later on tommorow night I am going to the pub with my mum to get crunk with all the 40 year old alcoholics, yeah man... I'm gonna be livin' the life!
I dunno how becoming 18 will really effect my life, maybe I'll become more mature because I am able to do thing in the world... maybe not, eh I don't know... im a bit to tired to make a post right now, so I'll cut this one short. Ciao.
I dunno how becoming 18 will really effect my life, maybe I'll become more mature because I am able to do thing in the world... maybe not, eh I don't know... im a bit to tired to make a post right now, so I'll cut this one short. Ciao.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Long time no see.
None of you know what I can and cannot do, but basic plumbing, mechanics, electrical, and carpentry are my strong points. So coming up I will be helping to install a patio door, and and some new faucets. Now, getting to my important piece of this post.
I just bought some cheese. Cracker barrel cheddar cheese, and polly-o string cheese. I am a fanatic about cheese, and so is a couple of members from Pwnem. Man, it is great with about everything. The only cheese I don't like is foreign cheese that smells like it just came out of someone's butt. Yeah, French cheese, cripes.
I saw the movie X-Men Origins Wolverine, and oh my goodness it is really a piece of work. I what I mean by that, burn the damned thing. The movie is horrid. Some of the graphics were not even finished. The acting was poor, and none of the characters or places ever felt real. The only part of that movie that was even the quality of the X-Men movies, was the transformation of Wolverine into his new adamantium claws. That was the only high point of this movie. And Will.i.am, was he just a freaking joke in the whole movie? He sucked just like his dancing sucks.
But I am excited about the Transformers 2 movie, it looks awesome, and the Star Trek movie.
I know the Trek geeks are in an uproar about the movie, but I really don't care. The average Joe won't care to watch it unless it consists of guns, fighting, explosions, and sexual references along with maybe a bar scene or two.
None of you know what I can and cannot do, but basic plumbing, mechanics, electrical, and carpentry are my strong points. So coming up I will be helping to install a patio door, and and some new faucets. Now, getting to my important piece of this post.
I just bought some cheese. Cracker barrel cheddar cheese, and polly-o string cheese. I am a fanatic about cheese, and so is a couple of members from Pwnem. Man, it is great with about everything. The only cheese I don't like is foreign cheese that smells like it just came out of someone's butt. Yeah, French cheese, cripes.
I saw the movie X-Men Origins Wolverine, and oh my goodness it is really a piece of work. I what I mean by that, burn the damned thing. The movie is horrid. Some of the graphics were not even finished. The acting was poor, and none of the characters or places ever felt real. The only part of that movie that was even the quality of the X-Men movies, was the transformation of Wolverine into his new adamantium claws. That was the only high point of this movie. And Will.i.am, was he just a freaking joke in the whole movie? He sucked just like his dancing sucks.
But I am excited about the Transformers 2 movie, it looks awesome, and the Star Trek movie.
I know the Trek geeks are in an uproar about the movie, but I really don't care. The average Joe won't care to watch it unless it consists of guns, fighting, explosions, and sexual references along with maybe a bar scene or two.
star trek,
transformers 2,
x-men origins wolverine
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Feminazi's - Modern female nazi syndrome
Now just to let you know, feminazi's are not the most brilliant or intelligent woman on earth, but they are very fierce and will probably either deny you sex for a few weeks or beat your face to a pulp if they find out you are reading this, imagine what would happen to me though, I wrote the fucking post.. luckily I rarely get sex anyway & I am not that scared of being obliverated by a fe-man.

The most well-known Feminazi, she is so evil that she leads young black men into her office by saying she will give them money, and then sends them down a trap door in the floor and makes them wear ginger colored wigs and play scrabble & she then proceeds to breastfeed the black kids, no matter what ages they are & then feeds them mayonaise sandwiches (which a majority of the black kids soon die from) and if not, they get tucked into bed by this evil bitch and read a story written by some white ass named Rush Limbaugh.

Well all knew that Hillary was afraid of blacks.

Above you see a feminazi rally, they are aparently protesting the war but really they are saying (in subiminal messages) "WE WANT OUR CUNTS BACK" and "FUCK THE MALE DOG, THEY SHALT PERISH IN THE ABYSS OF MY PUSSY" and other revolting and threatening gestures like those two.
Fact: Feminazi's are the only woman in the world that will not adopt non-white babies, whether they are a black feminazi or not, and if they happen to have a black kid they are sent to the Hillary Clinton detention ward for unwanted black kids, weird huh?

This is the dreaded banner of the Feminazi's, they wave it around on flag poles, shave it into they're chests (yes, most feminazi's have hairy chests), they have it painted onto they're household cups and even hang them in the toilet, darn dreadfull if you ask me.
Fact: Feminazi's are actually all daughters of Adolph Hitler, bet you would never have guessed that.

Above you see the most ugliest bitch of a feminazi on earth, she runs the military department in the feminazi clan, and also does most of the man-raping and torture.
I hope all the men out there have managed to bare with me through this post, but like it is said "knowledge is power" and now that you have the knowledge, we must fight back! we must oppress the female slave and send her back to the kitchen, make sure you're wife/girlfriend does not step out of line at all, because it just draws her one step closer towards joining the hate-filled feminazi cult, and we don't want that, we have to be the better men and slap our bitches around!
Thankyou all!
I now leave you with an inspirational image.

The most well-known Feminazi, she is so evil that she leads young black men into her office by saying she will give them money, and then sends them down a trap door in the floor and makes them wear ginger colored wigs and play scrabble & she then proceeds to breastfeed the black kids, no matter what ages they are & then feeds them mayonaise sandwiches (which a majority of the black kids soon die from) and if not, they get tucked into bed by this evil bitch and read a story written by some white ass named Rush Limbaugh.

Well all knew that Hillary was afraid of blacks.

Above you see a feminazi rally, they are aparently protesting the war but really they are saying (in subiminal messages) "WE WANT OUR CUNTS BACK" and "FUCK THE MALE DOG, THEY SHALT PERISH IN THE ABYSS OF MY PUSSY" and other revolting and threatening gestures like those two.
Fact: Feminazi's are the only woman in the world that will not adopt non-white babies, whether they are a black feminazi or not, and if they happen to have a black kid they are sent to the Hillary Clinton detention ward for unwanted black kids, weird huh?

This is the dreaded banner of the Feminazi's, they wave it around on flag poles, shave it into they're chests (yes, most feminazi's have hairy chests), they have it painted onto they're household cups and even hang them in the toilet, darn dreadfull if you ask me.
Fact: Feminazi's are actually all daughters of Adolph Hitler, bet you would never have guessed that.

Above you see the most ugliest bitch of a feminazi on earth, she runs the military department in the feminazi clan, and also does most of the man-raping and torture.
I hope all the men out there have managed to bare with me through this post, but like it is said "knowledge is power" and now that you have the knowledge, we must fight back! we must oppress the female slave and send her back to the kitchen, make sure you're wife/girlfriend does not step out of line at all, because it just draws her one step closer towards joining the hate-filled feminazi cult, and we don't want that, we have to be the better men and slap our bitches around!
Thankyou all!
I now leave you with an inspirational image.

Friday, May 1, 2009
Die You Troll!
It has been a few days hasn't it? Well, screw you! Unless you want my foot up your rear end. Eeerrhh, wait a minute, did I just say that?
No not at all, I love my fellow bloggers with nothing but compassion. Errrr, yeah that should work!
I laugh so hard sometimes at what people have to say on places like Youtube. Comment boxes get filled with f* you and f* that. It is a freaking video, lol. People threaten each other as if they were going to drive 5 hours away to bust someone's cap. Attention hungry emos and douches. They even have text flipping the bird now. Geez. Whats next? A virtual mahcine that allows them to feel each other's punches? Actually, that is one wicked idea. I wouldn't have to get up to beat someone to a pulp, and say, I never touched the guy officer. Sweet, like candy sweet.
If ya smell,,, what my foot, and your butt is cookin'!
Anybody seen that new BK commercial? It is a bit funny. I like square buns and I cannot lie!
Ooooh, somebody stop me.
Don't you hate it when you wake up sometimes and your arm has fallen asleep because you laid on it too long? Want the secret to waking it up? Yell at it. Yeah. That happened to me this morning. I woke up, it was numb, so I sarted punching it and calling it a sissy whore. I made it look at my right hand, and told it would never amount to that. But of course it sassed me back and said: "righty is twitchy, I am the only side you can write with idiot." Ouch, I got owned by my own arm. I am going to get that douchebag one way or the other!
Are you a real gamer? Test your skillz!
The Maze
The game that started all the hype! If you haven't played this game yet, you are missing out! Do not be fooled by imitators... this is the original.
Pig's Have Flown! Un negro no será presidente hasta que los cerdos vuelan
"un negro no será presidente hasta que los cerdos vuelan" is Spanish for "a black one will not be a president until the hogs fly " or according to Google Translator "a black president will not be until pigs fly"
Well recent news tell us that Swine have flown in Mexico, which was pointed out to me by JoeSchmo, that America now has a Black President's and swine definately have flew, so this is good news for all negro people in America, but I don't think the Mexicans would be very happy about it, I bet they are beating they're pigs like Pintata's as we speak, since we all know they hate black people.
But, lets not talk about racism, because if cats aren't racist then why should we be?
Ok, so maybe cats ARE racist, but... but...
Alright fine..
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