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Thursday, May 7, 2009


Long time no see.
None of you know what I can and cannot do, but basic plumbing, mechanics, electrical, and carpentry are my strong points. So coming up I will be helping to install a patio door, and and some new faucets. Now, getting to my important piece of this post.
I just bought some cheese. Cracker barrel cheddar cheese, and polly-o string cheese. I am a fanatic about cheese, and so is a couple of members from Pwnem. Man, it is great with about everything. The only cheese I don't like is foreign cheese that smells like it just came out of someone's butt. Yeah, French cheese, cripes.
I saw the movie X-Men Origins Wolverine, and oh my goodness it is really a piece of work. I what I mean by that, burn the damned thing. The movie is horrid. Some of the graphics were not even finished. The acting was poor, and none of the characters or places ever felt real. The only part of that movie that was even the quality of the X-Men movies, was the transformation of Wolverine into his new adamantium claws. That was the only high point of this movie. And, was he just a freaking joke in the whole movie? He sucked just like his dancing sucks.

But I am excited about the Transformers 2 movie, it looks awesome, and the Star Trek movie.
I know the Trek geeks are in an uproar about the movie, but I really don't care. The average Joe won't care to watch it unless it consists of guns, fighting, explosions, and sexual references along with maybe a bar scene or two.