The most well-known Feminazi, she is so evil that she leads young black men into her office by saying she will give them money, and then sends them down a trap door in the floor and makes them wear ginger colored wigs and play scrabble & she then proceeds to breastfeed the black kids, no matter what ages they are & then feeds them mayonaise sandwiches (which a majority of the black kids soon die from) and if not, they get tucked into bed by this evil bitch and read a story written by some white ass named Rush Limbaugh.

Well all knew that Hillary was afraid of blacks.

Above you see a feminazi rally, they are aparently protesting the war but really they are saying (in subiminal messages) "WE WANT OUR CUNTS BACK" and "FUCK THE MALE DOG, THEY SHALT PERISH IN THE ABYSS OF MY PUSSY" and other revolting and threatening gestures like those two.
Fact: Feminazi's are the only woman in the world that will not adopt non-white babies, whether they are a black feminazi or not, and if they happen to have a black kid they are sent to the Hillary Clinton detention ward for unwanted black kids, weird huh?

This is the dreaded banner of the Feminazi's, they wave it around on flag poles, shave it into they're chests (yes, most feminazi's have hairy chests), they have it painted onto they're household cups and even hang them in the toilet, darn dreadfull if you ask me.
Fact: Feminazi's are actually all daughters of Adolph Hitler, bet you would never have guessed that.

Above you see the most ugliest bitch of a feminazi on earth, she runs the military department in the feminazi clan, and also does most of the man-raping and torture.
I hope all the men out there have managed to bare with me through this post, but like it is said "knowledge is power" and now that you have the knowledge, we must fight back! we must oppress the female slave and send her back to the kitchen, make sure you're wife/girlfriend does not step out of line at all, because it just draws her one step closer towards joining the hate-filled feminazi cult, and we don't want that, we have to be the better men and slap our bitches around!
Thankyou all!
I now leave you with an inspirational image.

ReplyDeletelol feminazi is such a fucked up word...
ReplyDeletewhy does it say since 1968? is there any reason
ReplyDeleteyes because that's when i fucked mrs. clinton and made hillary
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And the girl took up the proffered foot, to kiss the top, to lick along the length, watching the toes curl with exquisite pleasure, then to take each toe in turn between her soft, pouting lips and gently give suck. With head bowed, Kitty Kat waited to serve, to do her masters bidding.